Monday, May 27, 2013

can we just stop and admire Black Veil Brides for a second please?

okay, so first off, they are so honest in their music, and give positive messages to everyone.

their lyrics always give me chills, and i just start to feel better. about life, about myself, about everything. not many people know this but i sort of just gave up. i stopped talking to people unless they talked to me. i would avoid hanging out with friends, and family. i literally sat in my room, feeling nothing-ness. i was afraid i was falling into a deep depression. then my friend, started getting me listening to Black Veil Brides and other bands like that. one of the songs that touched me the most was 'Knives And Pens' not because its the most popular, but because its message just touched me so personally. basically Knives And Pens is about choosing to either harm yourself, or finding a creative outlet to let out of your emotions and anger out of. also, 'Carolyn' is also one of the most dearest songs to my heart. this song is basically like this (took this source from Yahoo answers so if anyone finds a better definition, please let me know)

"These times in life we learn to try, with one intention. Of learning how and when we'll die" 

I believe that these lyrics mean that we want to know that if what we've done on the Earth will effect how and when we die. If we will be remembered for what we did and be known throughout history. Also, we learn to try to make it through everything that we're going through and we try to make something good of our life. 

"I wish to god I'd known that I, I didn't stand a chance.
Of looking back and knowing why, or pain of circumstance." 

For this line I think that it means that sometimes we look back and we don't know why some of the things that happened to us hurt so bad. I'm not entirely sure if that is what the lyrics in that line mean but that's what they seem to mean to me.

"You're not alone. We'll brave this storm." 

I really connect to this line of lyrics because I'm pretty sure that they mean that people aren't alone in this world. A majority of people go through the same things, they get bullied daily, called a fag, called an emo, or get degraded in general for just who they are. But we'll brave through it all and eventually we will conquer all that we have been through.

"So here's my song I wrote in time, when it was needed.Through pain of heart or loss of mind, your burdens lifted."

I really enjoy this line because it seems to connect to Andy specifically. I feel that it means that all the hate, sadness, and anger that he felt or that was inflected towards him he turned it into something beautiful, such as this song. In my mind I know that the entire band turned all the bad things they felt and went through into something beautiful. And it lifted all they bad things they felt away.

"You're not alone, just know that I can't save out hearts tonight."

Again "they're" saying we're not alone, because we're not we're an army, in this together. Though "they" say they can't save our hearts tonight I think that it means that "they" won't be able to save us through just one song, but throughout everything "they" do they want to send a message to people that will make them feel better about them self and not let people's opinions affect them so negatively.

I'm wondering if the song was dedicated to Jake's mom because 'Carolyn' is her name, hopefully I'll find out some day if it is. And if it is I believe that he's showing his mom that he's making something beautiful and is someone special and that he's not alone in this, that he's proven everyone that called him and outcast, a fag, etc. that he was more than that and all their hate just made he push harder and harder to make it thus far. Since, I'm not the band I don't know if that is the exact meaning to the song, but I feel like that I have a close grasp on what it means, at least what it means to me.

they love the BVBArmy so much, and thank them whenever they can in interviews.

i think the best way to express this is just to put some links of videos of them thanking all of us. click here

you can look up bryan stars interview, kerrang black veil brides interview, or just black viel brides interviews to find other examples of this. they also always say a big part of their success is the dedication of their fans.

they like to have fun in their interviews

all you have to do is look at one of their bryan starzzzz interviews to see that. and all though some of their stuff is a little bit on the inappropriate side, i personally believe that if everyone was to speak their minds like BVB does, then yeah, there would be a lot more inappropriate talkers out there.  

those are the top three reasons why i love BVB so much. oh, and their hair and faces are all so freaking amazing!

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